About the Journal

“Ishraq. Islamic Philosophy Journal” is a scientific and theoretical journal founded by the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the support of Ibn Sina Foundation. The journal continues the tradition of the yearbook of Islamic philosophy “Ishraq”, published from 2010 to 2021 under the editorship of Dr. J. Esots (1966 – 2021), and publishes articles on various aspects of Arab-Muslim thought. The main attention is paid to modern research on the history of Kalam, Ismailism, philosophical Sufism, falsafah, Ishraqism, Iranian ʻIrfan, Middle Eastern Christian and Jewish philosophical traditions, Arab philosophy of the New and Modern times, as well as related religious studies and philosophical-religious works. One of the key tasks of the journal is to familiarize a wide philosophical audience with current trends in modern philosophical Islamic studies, as well as to develop a qualitatively new methodology of Islamic studies, allowing to overcome the Eurocentric orientalist model prevailing in Western science.

Founded and published by: Institute of Philosophy, RAS (Moscow, Goncharnaya str., 12s1).